Insurance Industry

Digital Feedback for Digital Work? Affordances and Constraints of a Feedback App at InsurCorp

Little is known about how digital work shapes the exchange of performance feedback, even though today’s digital and global world demands for more continuous feedback than annual reviews. This research investigates a feedback app in a naturalistic …

Exploring characteristics and transformational capabilities of InsurTech innovations to understand insurance value creation in a digital world

Recent developments in the insurance industry embrace various “Insurance Technology” (InsurTech) innovations. To date, there is a lack of structured assessments of InsurTech. Prior research on FinTech fails (1) to clarify how InsurTech can be …

Digitalization in the Insurance Industry. Themes and Decisions That Matter: Insights from a Multiple-Case Study in Germany and Switzerland

Today, digitalization is already far progressed. Both, digitized and purely digital products and services are omnipresent. A myriad of promising opportunities are arising and corporates in many industries are challenged to transform their strategies, …